Centerfold for the December 2022 Issue of The Bradford

Walking into La Toscana’s Pizzeria, located at 99 Central Street, you are instantly greeted with the warmth of an electric fireplace and the smells of a classic pizzeria. Offering takeout, dine-in, and delivery options, La Toscana’s selection of classic and modern pizzas are complimented by a host of dessert and smoothie options.
Starting with the Shiitake, a classic tomato and mozzarella slice garnished with thick slices of roasted mushroom, fresh arugula, and a sprinkle of garlic, La Toscana offers a simple and hearty twist to a classic pizza. Lightly seasoned, the bitterness of the arugula supports the savory umami of the mushroom and freshness of the sauce. Moving onto a slice of barbecue chicken, customers are met with a blend of barbecue sauce, roasted chicken, slices of onion, and a thick drizzle of ranch dressing.
And with the tiramisu, a blend of ladyfingers heavily dressed in coffee and sweetened mascarpone cheese, a quick meal is rounded off with a gentle dose of sugar. The perfect stretches of cheese, thin but crisp crust, and sweet counterpoints to savory pies make La Toscana's a welcome addition to Wellesley’s existing repertoire of restaurant offerings.
Posted December 2, 2022 on The Bradford's Instagram

News Section for the March 2022 Print Issue of The Bradford


Posted January 16, 2022 on The Bradford's Instagram

Posted April 6, 2021 on The Bradford's Instagram

Posted March 1, 2021 on The Bradford's Instagram